Tuesday, January 31, 2012

As This Heart Unfolds

How many beats does this heart have to make before it can be heard?
Surely, the silent whispers won’t last forever…
Inside are the screams of a broken piece searching for peace
But in a broken state, this broken place is not stable
Is God able? Of course He is, but am I able?
Am I able to sit back and allow God to complete His work?
Am I able to smile all the while knowing there’s a war in my mind?
I don’t want to cry anymore, but yet my tears are my interpreter
My motivation is no more, so I’m left to question my true motives
How many times do I have to say this…? “I don’t want to be here!”
This desert place is dry and lonely; it’s a painful experience
God, forgive me for my inconsistencies; I need you desperately
You said you’d rescue me! I’m holding you to that…
At this point, I’m like Paul, praying multiple times for this to be removed
But you gave me your word, “My grace is sufficient.”
Well, can it be sufficient somewhere else? I mean.... well, you see me
My mind needs to be renewed by the minute; this heart needs reviving
As you unfold me, I become broken just to be made whole
Am I done already? Please hear my call for help…

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Brain Is Fighting My Fingers

I want to write, but I don't have the motivation
People keep messaging me asking, "Where is your next creation?"
The honest reality is my fingers are asking my brain for its cooperation
But my brain doesn't want to be apart of the demonstration....
And my fingers ask, "Well, why the lack of participation?"
My brain replies, "I'm simply not ready to do a collaboration."
But my brain doesn't understand my fingers dedication
And my fingers are longing to go back to writing new sensations
But I need a time out, and my brain wants to make a declaration
In poetry there is no time out, but I'll make a recommendation
All the while my brain is fighting my fingers to stop the humiliation
My fingers just wrote something new for you; Congratulations!

Friday, January 20, 2012


at what point did I lose my identity?
caught up on a road leading to nowhere yet never ending
searching for a girl inside of a woman all grown up
interior fades, exterior reveals skin so tough
so rough are the edges of this cover
girl looking for the world to love her
in her eyes there is a pain that has been building
the paint she used to hide behind is now peeling
but where did she go? Who has she become?
when things get hard she runs, forfeit the game, she’s done
a heart that longs to be loved is crushed
if life is a canvas, her tears are the paint, silence is her brush
Portrait after portrait tell of scars but she calls them "beauty marks"
because out of the ashes arose a beauty spark
so now I have to assure the little girl inside
though it feels like I've died, I'm actually alive
I feel like I've need to introduce myself to me
"Renee meet Crystal," "Crystal this is Renee but you can call her Re-Re"

The Proposal

so this guy proposed to me
crazy thing is he didn't get on one knee 
no he did it by hanging on a tree 
suffering for hours just so we could share eternity 
I wasn't thinking of him yet he thought of me 
took three nails, pierced side & crown of thorns for me 
and though he was royalty 
he came off his throne for a hill at Calvary 
this guy had so much love for me, he took my ashes and made beauty
though he knew my secrets he didn't shatter me
nor take my shame and scatter me 
no, he shed blood so I wouldn't become a casualty 
I was in an abusive relationship with sin but he rescued me 
he wanted me to be apart of the family 
he fulfilled every word of prophecy 
so in front of His father he said, "marry me."

Written January 13, 2012

Friday, January 06, 2012

The Wedding

Do you remember the day you and Jesus got married?
At that point you realized your sins He carried...
And He was so in love with you that for you He tarried
He wants to spend eternity with you so he couldn't stay buried
His commitment to this marriage makes others say wow
His life was the ultimate testament of his vow
Even when we cheated on him with our lover “Sin,”
His arms were always open to except us again and again...
A Perfect gentleman...

So do you take him for better or for worse?
Or when the times get tough you wanna different verse?
Do you take Him in sickness and in health?
Or is it only depending on how the cards are dealt?
Do you take Him in joy and in sorrow?
Or is it that “love him today but let's see what happens tomorrow”?

Even after death, He'll love you for eternity
Imagine that? Everyday celebrating your anniversary
So with urgency, He's in heaven preparing room...
So get ready, He's coming back for His bride real soon....