Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Price of the Oil

People see the outside of the alabaster box, wanting what’s inside
If they only knew the requirements, the bloodshed, the tears cried
The price to carry such a heavy weight calls for much skill
The training starts from the moment we say yes to His will
Yes to be real, yes to reveal your scars that you live with
They show where you’ve been and what you have dealt with
To walk in the shoes of the anointed, you must be prepared for the walk
Because at the end of the day people will know if your lifestyle lined up with your talk
Many don’t see the conditions, they rather have the recognition
Their greatest downfall is they don’t honor God by submission
Praying for situations to move and what’s so strange
God allows things to stay as they are yet, in the midst of it you change
Because life will grab you and take you somewhere you may not want to go
But if the rain didn’t come at some point, how would we grow?
How would we show that in the midst of darkness we can still glow?
How would we know that we can endure in spite of the winds that blow?
The promise doesn’t stop just because we must experience the pit
Trials make us stronger; therefore, we become spiritually fit
God has called each of us for a purpose greater than me or you
So don’t be upset that your size 10 can’t handle a size 2
Remember the commitment made when we said, “Lord, please save me”
The cost of the anointing is a price we pay out daily

Sunday, December 25, 2011


I often hear people say, “if only these walls could talk”
But I say, “If only you could see where I’ve walked”
Hindsight is 20/20, always perfect vision
In the midst of, however, you wonder about your decision
Mind and heart in division, try to stay focused on the mission
Never thought I’d be in summer school, then again, life is always a class
Always a teacher, always giving a new task
It’s been a long journey, but it’s one I’ve come to appreciate
I bless God that I can proclaim that I can graduate!
Because though I am not where I want to be, I’m no longer where I was…
And if I haven’t learned anything else, I learned about God’s unconditional love
I learned about endurance in this place of making
I understand that in order to be made whole there has to be a breaking
And oh was there a shaking, but God is a keeper
Especially when climbing that mountain it seemed to get steeper
Through the shame and the pain, God I said I’d never complain
And you have given me a rest that falls down like rain
Great is your faithfulness, there is none like You
Who is like our God? To know what I have need of even before I ask You
And so, in this season, you gave me strength to say, “I’m no longer bound by this situation”
The demonstration of the proclamation? The flipside is the graduation!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

1 John 1:9

Copyright 2011 A Peace of crySTYLE
"But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." 1 John 1:9 NLT

Lord, I admit, I see the form of godliness
And it’s so obvious to see the change but not be in it
But you said, if any man be in You he is a new creature
However, God I'm flunking this subject; can I have a new teacher?
A makeover of this ugly feature, this thorn in my side
I feel like it could cause me to miss our wedding when you come for your bride
Why won't this flesh surrender and die? Daily it’s my prayer
Seems like when those words leave my lips, they vanish into thin air
Or is this all a part of a greater testimony?
It's not more than I can bear, but still it’s all up on me...
I give a deliverance praise on Sunday yet fighting demons through the week
And I'm trying to hear you; did I miss you? Let me go back and press repeat
Lord, I'm not complete; my spirit is willing but my flesh is so weak
I want to walk in your direction, so forgive my disobedient feet
I feel like my flesh, Cain, is killing my spirit, Abel
Is this 911? Yes, put me on the operating table
With extreme urgency; I need emergency surgery
The thorn on that right side; yeah doc, constantly hurting me
You knew I would go through this before I was in my mother's thought
The blood of your Son is my bail, because He knew I'd get caught
Did you say this battle has been fought? And ends in victory?...
Romans 8 must be my weapon you selected for me
So, if you knew the plans you had for me before I was in my mother's womb
This flesh needs to die but won't stay in its tomb!
The lump under the rug gets larger, because I keep sweeping with this broom
But you have the power to cleanse and take away residue; where's your vacuum?
Pinch me, do something so I can wake up from this nightmare
Or is this a dream and reality is just unaware?
I feel like David, learning how to trust you when I go through these spurts
Then sometimes I feel like Job, cursing the day of my birth
My heart is yours, now if we can just work on this mind
I'm coming out of this; I can just see the finish line
Guard my heart and mind like a person with an entourage
And cover me like an expensive car that never comes out the garage
If my eyes are conflicting my witness, give me a blindfold
If my legs are running to the wrong business, then close the store
Keep me Lord, keep me; help me Lord, Jesus
Being broken whole means admitting that I'm actually in pieces...

Meet My God

Doubt. Meet my God. You should start to fear Him
Because there's something about the amount of power I have when near Him
You must not recognize Him because you keep coming to me
My faith can easily erase you so that I can be free
But see, I let you stay too long; you made my life your home
And you tried to kick my faith out...
So now that you have met my God, good-bye doubt

Worry. Meet my God. You and doubt tried to double team
At times you succeeded to remove my dream
When faith tried to come, you brought up all these questions
In the times I wanted gain strength; you changed my direction
But faith is, faith was and faith is going to be
Whatever you had planned isn't going to destroy me
So now that you have met my God, good-bye worry…

Past. Meet my God. You keep coming around wanting to resurface
Because you know that if you come forward, I back down from my purpose
God has forgiven me but you kept me from forgiving myself
I've gotten rid of doubt and worry, so you're the next step
I put my faith in God for He is my help
Everything that has happened to hurt me, wasn't meant to last
So now that you have met my God, I say good-bye to my past!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

1000 Apologies

My deepest apology; logically it doesn't make sense to me
They're mad at me, its sad to see people hating me
I'm trying to see, but He's blinding me from the enemy
Softly killing me, spilling me, shielding me
Feelings we don't wanna talk about
Salvation we don't wanna walk it out
Authority we hold it in our mouth
Deliverance is going south
You hear whispers but I'm trying to shout
People asking what are you talking about
You walk on concrete but I'm on a cloud
Christians being quiet but I'm being loud
Saying we love God but living foul
Used our 3 strikes, God could've said, "You're out."
God is my navigation system to take a new route
My apologies... I know you don't understand where I'm going
But poetry is my stream of water; I go where its flowing
Do you forgive me? 


I told myself that I wouldn't be the fish that takes the bait
I should've seen the warning that I would be cooked because I saw the plate
But my eyes tricked me into believing that I didn't have to wait
And now I'm playing the scene over and over again; what a mistake
I thought I was strong enough to hold that much weight
It's like eating vegetables for months then suddenly eating steak
What I thought was real turned out to be real fake
Going fast, tried to slow down; but yet I had no brakes
Perhaps I can start over; make a clean slate
The only problem is, it's already done so I'm too late
What I'm talking about spreads at an alarming rate
It can be very sneaky and deceitful like a snake
You see my sins were stacking up leaves being raked
Sin played me like a king trying to beat an Ace
It may taste good like drinking a chocolate shake
But let me tell you, the only thing you'll have is a bad stomachache
Thank God for Jesus because He knew the lives sin would take
So Christ took the cross, when I should've took the stake
When I was deep in sin like the bottom of the lake
Jesus saved & covered me, and told the enemy he couldn't cross the tape
But at times I wanted things my way like Frank
I thought I could beat the destruction but my life was a tank
I was out of control; I liked what I ate
When I completely gave my life away, I could no longer participate
Instead of going in circles like the figure eight
I choose to rep Christ and continue to make His name great
The wages of sin is death and I don't want that fate
So I urge you to go from death to life for Christ's sake

Thursday, November 17, 2011

You... ARE the Father!

Copyright 2011 A Peace of crySTYLE

God I must give you all the glory
Because your Son's blood re-wrote my story
No need to go to Maury; I already know you're the Father
The paternity test rests in your word so why should I bother?
My brother is the Son of Man; I'm a child of the Lamb
So when people ask who sent me, I'll say, "The Great I AM."
Man, I'm blessed just to be called His own; He has never left me alone
And when I need Him, I don't have to use a phone; no matter the zone
Doesn't matter about how long the distance may be, there's no fee
I can boldly come before His throne of grace for free
Some may say I'm worthless, but my Father knew my worth
He deemed me priceless even before my birth
Like a body needs a shirt or a woman wears a skirt
In the same manner my big Brother's blood covered my dirt
I wore a mask to cover my hurt; but He said, "It's all in the past.
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed; it's not supposed to last."
As I look at the task before me, it consists of a lot of races
But God is my coach; his word is my water, so I'll tie up my laces
And because God is for me, there's no such thing as 2nd and 3rd places
I know the race is not given to the swift nor the strong
But to the one that endures because the road is long
And Father I'm holding on, I got your blood running through my vein
Since the transfusion of your Son's blood, I haven't been the same
Even though I lose my life, I found out in you I still gain
Your grace and mercy falls freely like pouring rain

As your children, you've never paid child support to support us
You said you'd give us our heart's desire if we have faith and trust ya
Oh Father I trust ya, from Alaska back to Russia
Your people love ya; and there is no one above ya
We hide your word in our heart like a cop going undercover
You know the chapters in our life from cover to cover
I can't afford to pay the bill of life but your Son said, "I got it covered."
And I've realized that there is none before You and after, there is no other
God I give you praise, there are days I'm so amazed
Of all the forms to express the heart, you said go in this way
And there's no way I could go on without you
That's like trying to fix something broken with no tool, a car with no fuel
No water in a pool, Randy and Simon without Paula Abdul
Okay, okay Lord you see where I'm going with this
If you hadn't saved me and changed me, I'd be living but wouldn't exist
You let them to nail your Son's feet and wrist, allowed Judas to kiss Him
As they pierced Him, they laughed and dissed Him
And You had to turn Your back as though You didn't miss Him
But He still said He loved them, for You to forgive them
Even the sinner on the cross realized he would need him
My brother asked, "Why has thou forsaken me," but He rose on day three
So that in You we can have victory and live for eternity
So I don't have to take you on TV and say I'm 1000% sure; I know
Because I'm made in your image from my head to my toes
And it shows because people can tell I'm your child
Otherwise they'd ask, "How can you look like Him still living foul?"
So Father with your help, I'll spread your word for distribution
So our family can grow as we await our Family Reunion!

Weather Report

Copyright 2011 A Peace of crySTYLE

I go outside, get the paper skipping to the weather pages
Looking out the window hoping the weather changes
Because there's a storm going on spiritually
Yet it’s causing me to get stronger lyrically
Am I partly cloudy? There's always a chance for rain
I'm up to my waist in water; why does it continue to flood?
The clouds that I once stared at in awe, stare back in gray
Let me turn on the news and see what the weather guy has today
"Your life is experiencing a great storm; winds are really starting to blow,"
I think to myself and tell him, "Say nothing I don't know."
"Before you enjoy your harvest, you gotta know what it's like during a famine
Let's look at your 7-day forecast to further examine
A "Hell" storm is coming and its headed right for you
But as long as you’re covered in the blood, there's nothing it can do
The after-effects could include "Job-like" weather
You know, things getting worse, you'll sit and wonder when will it get better
But at the end of the week, everything is going to clear up; the sun will shine
The Father said He'll keep you in perfect peace; just keep Him on your mind
It's looking bad, I won't lie, looks like you've been caught in this forever
I only report the weather, but I serve someone who can keep you together."
I turn off the TV and look toward Heaven and my precious Savior
"Lord, you said you'd never leave me nor forsake me, so I ask for favor
My umbrella isn't strong enough, my coat can't endure
But I've seen pictures of the sun and the clouds, so I know for sure
This weather has got to clear up because I'm tired of getting wet
And you told me not to worry but to give thanks, so I'll try not to fret
You're the same Lord who stood in the boat and told the wind to cease
If the wind back then obeyed you, Lord I know you can tell this one to decrease
Seems like everything has been taken away from me, it's a shame
But I remember your promise; so, I'll "dance in the Son" while "Singing in the rain"

Would you look at that? A little sun is coming out...
God thank you for the sun....

Inspiration: Jehovah Jireh

The Rose Behind the Thorns

Copyright 2011 A Peace of crySTYLE

God I confess:

Seems like my flesh is constantly pricked by thorns...
Transform? No, let's talk being reborn
Create in me a clean heart; renew in me a right spirit
So that I'll be obedient to your voice when I hear it
I know I've disappointed you, so I ask your forgiveness
Because only you can restore my joy and bring me rest
This quest to blossom seems like it’s taking forever
But I can't think of a time you've left me...ever
Like Paul, my thorn has me torn because I really want to please you
I must praise you through the storm so I can be renewed
I'm waiting, being patient; don't want to lose my faith
Your mercy is great, and great things come to those who wait
You caught me on tape, yes it's me; I'm guilty
I'm not worthy to be in your presence because I am so filthy
So dirty, my God; I don't deserve thee; it hurts me
Because my beauty is covered by spiritual scars
I need to be reconstructed with Jesus' blood as my tar
Holy? You are Daddy; I long for you to smooth out my stem
So when I'm picked, I'll be that Proverbs 18:22, 30:10 and perfect for "Him"
Daddy, I slipped out of your will; I feel the disappointment
But in the name of Jesus, the devil's defeated because I'm anointed
I say bye to "I" because "I" isn't a part of the equation
I've been stuck on this step too long, its time to reach the nations
You're able to keep me as long as I want to be kept from falling
And you said, "Make your requests known;" so that's why I'm calling
God, how can I be an effective witness in the ministry
When you look at me? I'm not even where I'm supposed to be
I'm starving and I can't grow without your food
And I know if I eat, I'll be feasting on the truth
So Daddy, this thorn has been here too long
So cut these thorns as I grow strong enough to move on
I haven't be picked because I need to blossom in you
So when they see my beauty, they'll really see you...
With each pedal I receive, its only strength to conquer the storm
That's why "He who wants (this) rose must respect the thorns."

I've been broken whole...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Little Girl

Copyright 2011 A Peace of crySTYLE

I was caught up in perversion; so deep call it submersion
The stories of my eyes had a different version on what I said that I see
If you pull back the curtain, you'll see a small girl hurting
But there was no discerning to separate the fantasy
The girl wants to grow up, waiting for love to show up
But her dreams blow up because she didn't think they would come true
So now every night she hides, gets caught up in the tides
Hard to swallow her pride; she doesn't see how she'll get through
She goes through life pretending; hoping her heart would start mending
Instead she starts blending so that she can fit in
If only she had seen the recipe, realizing this mix wasn't meant to be
That she was called to destiny and through Christ she would win
But her mind was fixed, eyes playing tricks
Getting hit with bricks that the enemy threw
Before the earth began in God's splendor, He had a plan
And once it hit the fan the devil knew what he had to do
So distractions came in the form of sex; on her soul he placed his bet
He just knew the win he'd get, but I guess he didn't read the story
Yes she was definitely caught up; living a life the opposite of how she was brought up
Not something that she thought up; yet still God would get His glory
This little girl wants to grow, so many places she wants to go
So many things she wants to know; yet this has been eating at her for so long
So many cracks like an eggshell, sent back like returned mail
In fact if I must tell, she's starting to learn like it's the first time
Millions of mistakes still couldn't shake
Her ability to participate in God's plan for her design
Deliverance is available, come receive from the king's table
God is still able to break every stronghold
But you must want to be free; then place your trust in the King
Who can supply all that you need; after all, you are the clay for Him to mold
So instead of physically or verbally fighting, I step in the ring with my writing
Because I felt it igniting a passion in me
I understand I have a lot to say; therefore I have a lot to pray
The fight could come any day to try and assassinate me
So I tell the little girl in me that God has given the key
To freedom and victory so it's time to receive
Teach me how to love again; teach me how to trust and then
No longer a slave to sin; I know in Christ I can do all things!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hell's Testimony

Copyright 2011 A Peace of crySTYLE

Ok, I only have a few minutes so please listen to me clearly
What I’m about to say is only because I love you dearly
I sincerely hope that this will cause you think
If life is a cup, please watch what you drink
I don’t know of anybody who has the opportunity to share this with you
Don’t forsake these words lest you end up in this place of doom
As you have probably figured out, I’m in this prison called hell
I wanted to give you an account; I have so much to tell
Perhaps you didn’t know but this place enlarges daily
And those who don’t accept Christ end up here, that’s no probably or maybe
It’s a horrible place to be, people scream and shout
“I get the lesson now, please let me out!”
But Hell is a one way ticket
The bible warns about this place and people still don’t get it
I hear the sounds of gnashing teeth and weeping
Demons play games with our minds; there is no time for sleeping
A lot of Christians who you thought went to Heaven?
Are really down here with me
Heard some guy say, “But I was saved at the age of seven”
But God said, “I don’t know you, you didn’t truly believe”
Torment is day in, day out; no such thing as being idle
My torture replays to the day that I didn’t accept Christ at that revival!
Man I knew He was calling me, yet I was stalling see
I thought I had all the time in the world, but time really had me
I think to myself, “Man if they only knew!” but then I’m reminded that actually you do!
The word of God tells you how to stay away, but the choice is up to you!
I’ve seen teachers and preachers, bishops and prophets
Down here preaching the gospel because they don’t know how to stop it
See gifts and callings come without repentance, so that’s the last thing God sees
God looks at your heart and to see if your blood is the same as He bleeds
I shouted from the rooftop that I was a Christian, but you should’ve seen my lifestyle
Monday thru Saturday I was down with the world, while saying on Sunday I was God’s child
Addictions had me wrapped up, sin had me tangled and tied
I didn’t fully grasp that Jesus took my sins when He got on the cross and died.
My mouth said I loved him, but my life, my heart? That’s a different story
At my funeral, I watched my family celebrate thinking I had gone on to glory
I screamed to the top of lungs, “NO!! GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE! I REPENT”
But my name wasn’t in the book, so to this place I was sent
Do a daily evaluation, truly accept Christ’s salvation
Live at a 100 and Heaven will be your destination
And the angels will throw a celebration because of your dedication
No one said the walk would be easy, it takes much prayer and supplication
I know this now but there is nothing I can do to change my fate
All I can do now is send out this warning not to show up at Hell’s gate
Time is getting shorter, its coming down to the wire
Just when you think it couldn’t get worse, Hell will be cast into the lake of fire
I don’t know of any better way to say this so I hope that you’re hearing me
Prisoners may get life behind bars, but in here we get eternity
I’m going too long, but its only because I’m pleading with you
Please let God in your heart, let him make you new
The day you hear His voice, don’t harden your heart
You think you can fix yourself? That’s not a good way to start
I gotta go, they are coming quick, yet I have much more to tell
Pray more, love more, read more, please don’t come to…

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Stained Glass

State of confusion? Thought it was an illusion
The place I was really in was a state of refusing
In search of the solution to the problem inside of me
I didn’t follow the directions that would have properly guided me
I see what’s inside of me, actually it’s blurry from the filth
I need to be reconstructed because this is the frame that sin built
Filled with much guilt, this misguided trip
Bruised up, broken down, walking with my limp
Holding to my hip because I refuse to go out on a limb
Heart is heavy, thought I was ready, but my mind isn’t steady
Eyes need re-adjusting, focus on what’s in front of me
Who am I but a broken frame, one you called out by name
You put it inside of me, so Lord help me sustain
From sins hold I must refrain, strength I must maintain
After all, I’m broken glass stained…

When Almost Came To Pass

Why is it a struggle? because I love what he hates... and yet I love him too
So is it enough to walk away and let him heal me within
Cuz see "I'll never" and "that won't be me" became "I didn't mean to" and "this is the last time"
I "almost" crossed the street
I "almost" turned left
I "almost" clicked here
I "almost" lied
I "almost" ended it
But almost grew into a done deal
I jaywalked when the sign said don't walk
I turned left so many times I wasn't right
I ended my life each time I sinned against God
Pop ups and curiosity turned one click into clicks
One puff into multiple hits, denial and "when I'm ready I'll quit"
I lied to myself; convinced Re that she was fine
Wanna talk about a problem with the mind
"Almost" knocked on my door and said, "I'm here might as well"
I had a one-way ticket to hell
Feet filthy so guilty but then something amazing took place
Christ won my case
He knew that I'd be here
He didn't "almost" die; he didn't "almost" shed his blood
He didn’t "almost" heal
He didn't "almost" take up the cross or drink from the bitter cup
No almost came to pass and erased my past
As dirty as I was, he rescued me from my worst enemy... myself
"Almost" got me in trouble
Because it’s tempting when it's in front of you...
Don’t "almost" give your life
Don’t "almost" turn from sin
Don’t "almost" make Him your Lord and Savior
Don’t "almost" cry out to Him
Don’t "almost" kill your flesh daily
Do you wanna "almost" get in?
No, we await to hear "well done"
Think about it, what if God "almost" sent His son?

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Terms & Conditions

God, I know we spoke about this last week
But hindsight is showing I should learn to think before I speak
Because I don’t know what I wanna do
I said I want to be used, but I didn’t think that You
Would use me day and night, this isn’t alright
Should I really be training for a daily fight?
I wanted this on my terms and conditions
What you’re wanting is my total submission
Can we meet in the kitchen? I’m looking at the ingredients
I’m not too sure the road I’m on is expedient
See what I really meant, was that you can use me to a certain extent
I saw other people going through and I’m like, “I’ll take the hint”
But I was crying in worship, saying, “Lord you can use me”
 Little did I know that meant I’d have to refuse me
Die to myself; put what I want toward the back of the shelf
Daily pour myself out to you; seek your direction and help
I know I signed the dotted line when I said yes
But this taking up my cross thing is killing my flesh
Ha! That’s what you want from me though… God you’re good
Because my flesh is slowing being destroyed like termites eating wood
So wait, it’s never really been about what I wanted in the first place?
Instead of what I want, I should really be seeking your face
The truth hurts, that’s probably one reason why we don’t read your word
Or why we don’t listen because then we’d have to be accountable to what is heard
Well God, I know my stubbornness can be a stumbling block
And I’m so glad you got me when you could’ve stayed with the rest of the flock
Look at me, Lord, I need to be completely made over
Cleanse my way of thinking; I need to humble myself lower
Lord I pray you make my life a representation
That you aren’t just meant for the Sunday congregation
You give the desires of our hearts but according to your will
Therefore, I’m determined to move forward even if that means standing still
Or being killed in the line of duty
All I want to do is behold your beauty
God, it’s yours truly; I thought I knew what I wanted in life
Now every day I see that all I really need is to prepare to be a wife
In other words, the bride of Christ and just let him in
After all, He took it all so I wouldn’t have to die in my sin
If I am to be more like you, then let me entreat this
Consume me so when people ask me who I am, I’ll say, “I would tell you but I no longer exist…” 

Friday, March 11, 2011

The End of an Error

To Whom It May Concern:

To the eyes that read this, I'd like to warn you that it. is. about. to. be. on.! LOL

It's really sad how you have to go the long way to learn stuff, you know? But at the same time, I'm learning to be grateful for the process... even when I can be stubborn. 

Yes I just admitted that I can be stubborn....

So, with that being said, I want to thank God for who He is and where He is taking me! In other news, my poetry is coming along great... I have been heavily inspired by the support system I have around me, as well as what I have been walking through.

Two volumes of poetry have been completed and I'm working on my third... which is entitled, "Experience is Necessary." This volume will be based on different situations in the bible and how they relate to today.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep me in prayer and I will do the same for you! 

God Bless!

Broken Whole,

Friday, January 07, 2011


Can somebody turn up heat? My heart was getting colder
Can’t lie, look into my eyes, Lord I need your shoulder
I need different results, so I’m going to go a new way
Open the eyes of my heart because I can’t always go by what my lips say
And it’s a new day, yet my feet are in rewind
Doing the same thing, looking for different results? I’ve lost my mind
I’m in search of the cross; I saw the bill, I know the cost
If I’m to have the same mind as Jesus, then I pray that my mind stays lost
Yes lost in you, until I’m made brand new
I held myself prisoner until I read Romans 8: 1-2
I know there is purpose and a calling on my life
The enemy knows that too, that’s why he wanted me to stay away from the light
But I gotta walk toward the Christ, because he is my goal
He’s calling me higher, yet I continued to put Him on hold
And in the process my fire died until it was practically gone with the wind
I wanted to end the relationship like, “I don’t need you as a friend.”
And the sad part about it is I didn’t want to admit the reality of the danger
The danger lies in God saying, “Depart from me, you’re a stranger.”
And who am I to live a life that kindles God’s anger?
Breathe life back into me Lord, I feel like I’m being strangled
The taste of this life is nasty; I tried just sipping from this cup
The more I sip, the more gets poured, but you told me to drink it up
For so long I declared that I was called to go global
Then you brought me back and said, “Well, first try going local.
I’ve placed you in Jerusalem, to be a light to your friends and fam.
I’m humbling you before you’re exalted, so count it humbling to exalt the Lamb
My ways are not yours; my thoughts are beyond finding out
My plans are established even before coming from my mouth
So don’t you think I know the plans that I have for you?
Before you can come out, you have to first learn how to get through.”
It’s snowing outside, but I’m thankful for the sign that was sent
I know you’re in this storm with me, I just saw your footprints…

Broken Whole,
C. Renee’

Let's Go Up!

This is my first blog of 2011 and my first blog in several months... so I'm definitely overdue. Please charge my head and not my heart! I'm excited and honored to share the words God has given me. Sometimes I can be my biggest hindrance because I'm a perfectionist and procrastinator... (Lord, help me lol) I have a LOT more than what is on this blog... but I'm coming.

Fear has kept me from a lot of things, but (touch your neighbor and slap the other in the back and say)
"It's time."
Please keep me lifted in prayer; I appreciate the support of those who stop by and read my poetry. I'm amazed because I know that God has placed this in me, I just never fully realized the impact it had on others...

So with that being said,
"I'm about to do some thangs."

Let's Go Up!!!